- Barack Obama
- Michael Steele
- Mike Tomlin
- Santonio Holmes
- Eric Holder
- _________________
Who is next? I am seriously impressed with the list as it stands. To think, for decades race pimps like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton have been running around trying to take over the reins of society by begging for scraps and appearing at every photo op imaginable.
Yet, who is it on that list? Simply put, individuals who grabbed the Golden Fleece. Those who were successful and put their energies into becoming the first Black Editor of the Harvard Review or perhaps into fine tuning their body to pirouette into the end zone to make an incredible once in a lifetime catch.
Sharpton and Jackson would rather make excuses for why black men cannot become successful. Without their careful guiding through the minefields of Corporate America, black men are imperiled. The list of men above prove the converse is true. These men did not reach for a hand out, they succeeded on their own merit.
My hope would be that the popular media will showcase these individuals over the next few years. I fear that the race pimps would prefer to only highlight the rappers and the others who make their living off the suffering and degradation of others. If word gets out that we can succeed on our own, who is going to buy into the myth of oppression?
I am not naive enough to say that there is no oppression in today's society however I am not going to say that we all are doomed to second class status. I will also not mock the efforts of those who have gone before to pave the road for those who follow. Those who led then let their actions speak for them truly have my respect. Those who lead then keep their followers behind them can not.