Saturday, December 12, 2009

Tiger's Favorite Christmas Carols

  1. I saw Tiger shagging Skanky Whores
  2. Frosty, The Ex-Wife
  3. Oh Holly Night!
  4. Silent Wife
  5. Oh Cum all Ye Skeezers!
  6. Mele KALIKA-maka!
  7. Feliz Grabdatass
  8. Ho Christmas Tree

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Sonny's Bagels. Memories of South Orange. Sonny's is one of the few places in the village that still hold any memories for me. We went to visit my parents this past weekend prior to my mom's biopsy. It was a decent visit. In a way, it was the way I envisioned visits other families had with their parents. No yelling, screaming, guilt...well OK there was some of that but it was from my sister and directed at my nephew.

My mom was on her best behavior. I actually got to see two of my three surviving siblings and got along well with them. I finally see the merits of denial. Just let those things that typically irritate one percolate under the surface, and in a matter of hours, the family member to whom it concerns will just go away.

Now the thing with the nephew was funny. I cannot find anyone who actually saw the event, however the sound carried throughout the house. After we went to bed and were settling in for the night, a disturbance arose from the other side of the door. We distinctly heard my sister screaming to someone about "Having sex in my house!" followed by the sound of hands wailing upon someone. She yelled get up those stairs! We had to assume the recipient of the wailing was my eldest nephew because the voice was deeper then any of the other nephews could manage.

In my mind's eye, my sis was wailing motorboat style. Not exactly the preferred technique of the Shao-Lin temple but in some instances, effective. However against a 17 year old boy, useless. The only defense against the motorboat attack in this case would have been Rope-A-Dope.

I wish I could have given some guidance but in these situations, the best thing to do is to let them play out and laugh about it in a few years with all involved. I can't wait because that shit was funny.

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Tuesday, February 03, 2009

The Year of the Brutha


  1. Barack Obama
  2. Michael Steele
  3. Mike Tomlin
  4. Santonio Holmes
  5. Eric Holder
  6. _________________
Who is next? I am seriously impressed with the list as it stands.  To think, for decades race pimps like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton have been running around trying to take over the reins of society by begging for scraps and appearing at every photo op imaginable.

Yet, who is it on that list? Simply put, individuals who grabbed the Golden Fleece. Those who were successful and put their energies into becoming the first Black Editor of the Harvard Review or perhaps into fine tuning their body to pirouette into the end zone to make an incredible once in a lifetime catch.

Sharpton and Jackson would rather make excuses for why black men cannot become successful. Without their careful guiding through the minefields of Corporate America, black men are imperiled. The list of men above prove the converse is true. These men did not reach for a hand out, they succeeded on their own merit.

My hope would be that the popular media will showcase these individuals over the next few years. I fear that the race pimps would prefer to only highlight the rappers and the others who make their living off the suffering and degradation of others. If word gets out that we can succeed on our own, who is going to buy into the myth of oppression?

I am not naive enough to say that there is no oppression in today's society however I am not going to say that we all are doomed to second class status. I will also not mock the efforts of those who have gone before to pave the road for those who follow. Those who led then let their actions speak for them truly have my respect. Those who lead then keep their followers behind them can not.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Political History

This year, for the first time in American history, a black man has been elected to one of the highest posts in our country. He has assumed the mantle of leadership of millions of citizens, high powered and regular Joe alike, seemingly from out of the blue. Frederick Douglass, Martin, Malcolm, and all those who followed could only imagine such an accomplishment. 

Those watching from the sidelines, saw what appeared to be an incredible long shot as he had to compete against seemingly impossible odds. Leaving race out of the equation, having to overcome relative lack of name recognition is hard enough. But when one factors in race in today's charged skin tone sensitive environment, a black man being elected is tremendous. 

Especially when that black man is Michael Steele and that high ranking post is Chairman of the Republican National Committee. Sure, that other fellow, Barack, pulled off an astonishing victory. He too had to overcome some rather serious challenges to achieve his victory. 

Yet, if the media is there to cheer lead for you. Hollywood comes out in full force not only to worship the ground upon which you walk but to assail the very nature of your opponents. Grassroots organizations register Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, etc.  among an untold number of undocumented individuals, and others who may not have had the legal right to vote. A black man winning this election wasn't too far out of the realm of possibility.  Hell his party was following George Bush.

Michael Steel accomplished a daunting, incredible feat. The RNC, the party of Lincoln, is oft cast as the party of Old White Men. Blacks who claim membership in this organization encounter the harshest levels of condemnation from media types, liberals, and their own brown skinned people. Uncle Tom is typically the epithet hurled. White liberals look upon brown/black skinned Republicans as one looks at a wart to be excised.

I am a black Republican. Hence I feel I know somewhat of what I speak. I was proud of my people to see General Colin Powell appointed Secretary of State. Thrilled to see Dr. Condoleeza Rice as National Security Council head. Yet, the NAACP did not see fit to recognize these individuals for their achievement. Somehow I don;t expect to see anything about Mr. Steele's accomplishment posted either.

Mr. Steele is not some guy the RNC propped up as a puppet in response to President Obama, He is a former Lt. Governor from Maryland. In fact, with Mr. Steele on the ticket, the Republicans regained the Gubanoatorial seat after a 36 year absence!  

See what others have to say:

Nov. 20, 2008, 10:30 a.m.
Mary Katharine Ham
The Weekly Standard

Let me be straight-forward in a way I think Michael Steele would appreciate: A black Catholic who grew up in D.C. and lives in Prince George's County becomes a Republican, overcoming social pressure and withstanding abuse, because he believes in conservative ideas and the way they can serve all communities, not because he wishes to be a squishy moderate beloved of the Beltway press. The knock on his pro-life credentials has always struck me as silly, and his leaving the RLC should quiet that line of attack.

Michael Steele's Got Game

I'm not going to pretend that I've followed this especially closely; Geraghty and Ambinderoffer more informed takes.

I will say that Steele is pretty clearly a fairly talented guy. If you take the nine open-seat Senate races that have been held between the last two political cycles (2006 and 2008), and compare the performance of the Republican candidate against the partisan composition of the state, then Steele is something of an outlier: you'd have expected a generic Republican to get only about 35 percent of the vote in a state like Maryland in a cycle like 2006, but Steele got 44.2 percent.

Now, granted, Ben Cardin wasn't exactly the most inspiring candidate. But for a very conservative Republican to do this well in Maryland (and make no mistake: Steele is very conservative) takes some serious political intangibles.

Republicans Cheer for Chairman Steele

In the United States, in 2009, the head of the Democratic Party and the head of the Republican Party are black.

Granted, one has much more power than the other. (One is titular, the other is de jure.)

And one may have been chosen in reaction to the other.

But -- for a party that was not too longer ago openly dedicated to a strategy of using racial fears to attract white votes, it's something.

In a short stemwinder, Steele promised to broaden the party's geographic base and "stand proud" as the country's conservative party.

"It's time for something completely different," he said, to cheers.

 "To my friends in the Northeast, get ready baby, we're going to turn it on.  We're going to win in the Northeast.  We're going to continue to win in the South... In the West."

"To those who are ready to obstruct," he warned. "[G]et ready to get knocked over."

Did Republicans choose Steele as a token? Some RNC members will think so, as will many skeptical Democrats.  But Steele won this thing by himself.  The RNC is a fractious, uncooperative bunch. And Steele patiently politicked his way through six ballots. Just a few hours ago, my correspondent Will DiNovi saw Steele and Ohio's Kenneth Blackwell face to face in the hall. "I know we've disagreed on a lot of things," Steele was telling him. Blackwell waited a little -- then he endorsed Steele.

Steele's election won't help the party attrack black voters immediately, but if Steele sets the right tone, he could help the party compete for them in the (way)  future.  As GOP strategists have always known, and noted, somewhat dyspeptically, it's white suburban voters, particularly women, who are responsive to a diversity message. The RNC isn't diverse yet; only five black delegates were chosen to attend the national convention. Steele was disgusted by that. It prompted him to run.

Even more than race, even as Steele lauded the party's conservative members, his election marks a step away from the balkanized Southern white ethos of the party. Steele, pro-life, has worked with moderate Republicans all of his life, although he did his best during the campaign to minimize those ties. If he reverts to form, it means that the RNC has just selected a chairman who will not prioritize social issues above economic issues.  When people speak of broadening the party's geographic diversity, they are speaking in code. They mean that the party needs to welcome more moderates; needs to be more forgiving of departures from orthodoxy; need to be less antagonistic to pro-choicers and gays.   

A Democratic strategist sums up their skepticism about Steele's transformative powers. "I remember hiring homeless people to hand out literature in African American neighborhoods. If that is their national strategy to broaden their appeal to minority voters it's going to get awfully expensive," this strategist said.

Steele was a seminarian for a few years before getting his law degree. He is trained in corporate litigation.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Is the Right Wrong?

Rush Limbaugh's "So I'm thinking of replying..., 'Okay, I'll send you a response, but I don't need 400 words, I need four: I hope he fails" comment has widened an already Canyonesque chasm in the American political divide.

Regardless of his stated rationale for the comments, the wish for an American to fail is unseemly at best. Wary of the President's extreme left of center background, I too would prefer not to see all of his ambitious plans reach fruition. Yet, I can't see how I would wish him to fail in his role as Commander in Chief.

The lives of American troops, my brothers in arms even though I no longer wear the uniform, are in the hands of the President, regardless of political party. They are the first line of defense in our nations protection as well as the spear through the hearts of America's enemies.  America needs, nay deserves, a Commander in Chief who has the spirit of the country behind him.

The Left has initiated petitions against Rush. The Right has suggested that Rush back off. Rush has seemingly sat, Buddha-like while the seas roil about him. Granted, he is extremely popular and shines light on what those on the more liberal sides of most issues wish to keep shrouded in darkness.

Yet, at what price? Is it possible to have taken the fight too far? Like watching 2 careening vehicles playing chicken, one waits to see if one or the other will blink and swerve first. But I feel swerving is no longer even an option. Too much has been invested in ideology. The arguments of the other side no more than the buzzing of gnats to be ignored.

I personally believe Rush made a seriouserror in judgment. There can be no recalling those words. The media will see to that.  The only option at this point is to use this as an opportunity to create meaningful dialogue across the chasm.

...To listen to the people on the other side without the filters and biases we have allowed ourselves to construct in the past near quarter century. Perhaps, it is time to admit neither side is entirely wrong and there is the slightest chance that both sides are right.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Jonah Goldberg

Now ladies and gentlemen, there is an oxymoron.

As a native New Yorker, one comes across many individuals with the surname Goldberg. Typically, those New Yorkers with that particular surname were from a singular faith, Judaism. Another given for New Yorkers is that those of that faith share a predominant affiliation with a particular political stripe, Liberal Democratic.

So, it is as clear as mud. Jonah Goldberg, from New York and with that particular surname must side with those on the far left hand of the political spectrum. Oddly, Mr. Rosenberg considers himself the polar opposite; a conservative.

This is where things get murkier. I read Mr. Goldberg's column today ( in which he lauded Mr. Obama, our nation's 44th president! Upon reading the column, i found myself cheering Mr. Obama as well. If not actually cheering, then sending through the ether, feelings of warmth and hope for his administration. 

Now before you think I've gone soft, lemme 'splain! To lift shamelessly from Mr. Goldberg's column: “There is an entire generation that will grow up taking for granted that the highest office in the land is filled by an African American,” he (Obama) told the Washington Post last week. “I mean, that’s a radical thing. It changes how black children look at themselves. It also changes how white children look at black children. And I wouldn’t underestimate the force of that.”

Regardless of which political affiliation one calls home, this is an important truth. While I was fortunate enough to have been raised in a politically astute family. My grandmother associated with the likes of Adam Clayton Powell and Shirley Chisolm, et. al. Many of my generation grew up aspiring to nothing greater than entertainment and athletics as achievable goals.

Not to downplay the importance of those goals. Once those were considered impossible until the likes of Muhammad Ali, Joe Louis, Michael Jordan, Sydney Poitier, Michael Jackson and Oprah shattered what remained of anything resembling a ceiling in their industries. The downside to this was diversion from the sciences and mathematics leading to a greater emphasis on running faster than the others. Having the shoe with Jordan's name on them. 

There were also tremendous strides in the political world for Black America but instead of showcasing the strengths of such leaders as Doug Wilder, and Andrew Young, the light was placed on those with...less than admirable abilities, Marion Barry, Sharpe James, and let's not forget that tenth pit of Hell, Detroit. Three deposed Black mayors in my lifetime.

Now, where was I?  Oh yeah...Goldberg!
Mr. Goldberg made an interesting argument in his column that instills warmth in my heart and further pride in my country.
"For instance, you will not soon see a German chancellor of Turkish descent. Nor will a child of North African immigrants soon take the reins of power in France. It will be a long time before a Pakistani or Indian last name appears on the mailbox at 10 Downing St. And yet these countries bubble over with haughty finger-waggers eager to lecture backward and provincial America about race and tolerance. Why not enjoy rubbing Barack Obama in their faces?
Of course, there’s a partisan angle to Obama’s presidency—he is the head of the Democratic Party, after all—but his success comes on the heels of a bipartisan racial success story. For instance, President Bush appointed the first African American secretaries of state."

America has indeed turned a corner in race relations. England was opposed to slavery fairly in the game. Not opposed to territorialism in places like Canada, Australia or India but at least on the slavery issue, they were on the right side of history. Yet, England, France and much of Europe still segregates it's non-white population and deigns to lecture the US on how to play nicely with others!

Two years ago, France's dirty little secret got out when they were embroiled in race riots in the streets pitting those of Arab descent against the true face of France. Only in the past 15 years has England stopped openly warring with it's neighbors in Ireland.And here is where I agree with Jonah agreeing with Mr. Obama.
Where is the Moor leading Spain? Where are the Arab immigrants in France's leadership?

Let's hear one more cheer for America....the America where my son, who does not know the difference in skin color now has no concept of a Black man not having access to the White House.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

America, America...God shed his grace on thee

ItalicAnd crown thy good with brotherhood, from sea to shining sea.

Michelle Obama commented during the campaign last year that "for the first time, she felt really proud of her country." I am not certain where she has been the last forty years but there have been some mighty fine moments during that time.

I, for example, was really proud of our country landing on the moon. I am proud that the efforts of my grandmother's generation enabled me to vote. These same efforts enabled millions of others of all races and creeds the one item that enables hope, Opportunity.

I have not been keeping score regarding which of the numerous things our nation has accomplished that bring pride to me but even though I was not an Obama supporter, I fervently hoped for a smooth transition of power. I wished nothing more than for our citizenry to uphold the ideals that made us the great nation that I know us to be.

My prayers now go to the President. I truly feel for the man. He is tasked with fulfilling an almost Herculean challenge. Even the Reverend Dr. King was not expected to walk upon water, heal the lame, or produce fishes and loaves for the masses. Obama carries upon his shoulders the hopes and dreams of an entire people.
I hear daily how our new president is going to change things for black people. that Obama will create jobs and somehow generally make life better for peoples of color. Each time I hear comments like this, I wait to hear what changes the person is planning to make in their lives. To date, I have heard nothing spoken along those lines. 

This reminds me of the old tale of the woman asking God to let her win the lottery. Every week, the woman moans and pleads for God to let her win until finally God responds and says meet me halfway and buy a ticket. Here is one of the greatest opportunities for those without to become those with. Of course, there is that need to "buy a ticket." 

Education, drive, and desire are the keys to the promised land and cannot be bestowed; they must start from within the individual. Popular media shows the Paris Hiltons and her ilk who make their way through life without any visible means of support. Yet, even Paris works at maintaining her image.

Wake up people! Take a class. Learn to speak properly. Pull your pants up and take care of your children. Put yourself in a position to take advantage not only of the opportunities you feel are coming, but of those that currently exist.

Obama did not have a Black President to inspire him. He bought a ticket.

America! America! May God thy gold refine
Till all success be nobleness,
And ev'ry gain divine!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Klansmen must be going apoplectic

Rednecks, Klansmen, and leaders of the Aryan Nation must be losing their collective teeny minds this week.
Hell has indeed frozen over and a Black man is about to enter the White House as a resident.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


An old friend wrote to tell me of a screenplay he had written and was shopping around for an agent. His story was about baseball. It struck a chord with me.

Isn't it funny how a simple game like baseball can be such a life altering event. In my own experience, taking my stepdad to his first baseball game was a pivotal moment in my life. He was a lifelong Yankee fan. Raised in the Bronx but had never attended a game at the house the Ruth built.
I never took the time to get to know him and taking him to a Mets game both established my individuality and that I had become my own person, with a family of my own. Hard to believe that even though I was raised a Mets fan, my strongest memory of a ballgame was a trip to Yankee Stadium when Lou Pinella was playing left field.

Sadly, 2008 saw the end of both great iconic stadiums. Oddly enough, in a year when the economy turned south like players in Spring Training. Two new stadiums, soulless behemoths, will take their place or at least, occupy space. Some things cannot be replaced.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Adam was onto something

Biblically, Adam was the world's first food service employee. He provided the 1st rib.  As there were few food critics at the time, we won't know if it was prepared with a dry rub or soaked in a heavy tomoto and vinegar based sauce.

I would imagine Adam would have gone for a nice smokey flavorful rib, slow cooked with some limbs off that Tree of Knowledge. Wood from the TOK would have to be hardwood because it was fruitbearing.  

Now cooking would have presented challenges as the age of metal had not yet dawned but an open pit fire we're talking!

Of all the things I enjoy doing outside, grilling has to be one of my favorite. I was given the BBQ Bible a few years back and thought I knew everything about grilling for my region.  To be fair, I made awesome ribs.

Moving East created new challenges. No longer was Rub King. These folks use sauces and other wet products in their grilled meats. I had to bust out the Bible. The section on North Carolina sauces is incredible! I even learned to make cole slaw!  

Friday, January 09, 2009

I be paining!

OK, taking a brief break from the elliptical machine. When the need for prescription medications to make it through the day arises, it is time to possibly consider taking my doctor's advice.

Sadly, this leaves me time to do this. I am probably going to have to go get the xrays I postponed from this morning.

I suppose I can steal an idea from the Chinese and use child labor.

Thursday, January 08, 2009

like watching a slo-mo car crash

I am actually starting to amuse me. I have taken up two habits for the new year. So far I have relearned where the elliptical machine in our home is kept and I am actually putting thoughts and other items floating in my head onto this blog thingie.

Rumor has it that a habit is ingrained after doing it for three weeks. I don't know about you but it will be interesting to see which one of these two habits will still be occuring in three weeks.  Now, theoretically i could be spouting prose and getting buff but I know me.  I have seen me in my natural habitat for a few years and knowing me, I will seek out ways to sabotage one of these two activities. 

If the lazy part of me wins out (ironic huh?) it might be the best option because I will be sitting in the comfy chair watching TV.  Maybe mentally playing a rivetting game of Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon! Or not.

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Full semi circle?

What an odd ending to a rainy, soggy day. For a place that was supposedly having severe drought conditions last summer, it is eerily Seattle-like here the past couple of weeks.  

Anyway, as I am not a meteorologist, nor do I want to play one on TV; Scott decided to play six degrees of separation. The thing about that game is usually the others involved rarely know they are involved in the game. In the 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon game:

Carrie Fischer was in Star Wars with
Harrison Ford was in The Fugitive with 
Tommy Lee Jones who was in Batman Forever 
Val Kilmer who was in Heat with 
Robert Dinero who was in Sleepers with

Val Kilmer is often clueless that he is being remembered, let alone being linked to a serious method actor like Bacon.

Oh yeah, I was going somewhere with this. Today a friend in New Mexico sent me an email to tell me that the individual who recruited me to come out here to Virginia is interviewing her for a job in New Mexico!  He told my friend, ironically enough, that I might be upset with him. Really?  Relocate my family 2000 miles based upon a pack of lies and I wouldn't be upset?

I had wondered to where he slithered off. Now I guess I know.  Marty Chavez is no longer the biggest rat in the Duke City. Way to go Scott!

Monday, January 05, 2009

Anthony Bourdain?

Wow, that travel channel dude rocks. I have never seen his show before this week but this is one crude, crass individual. Kind of like Dave Attell with a brain. And like Dave Atell, most amusing.

I watched him careen around Indonesia eating stuff that would make Ethiopeans say, nahhh, I'm full.  His cameraman even broke a sheld witht the entire days food sitting on it.  So Bourdain dumps him to clean up while he goes off for more carousing and careening.

Anyway, the Giants play the beagles this weekend and it looks to be a great game.  


Sunday, January 04, 2009

Teardown Day

The end of the Christmas season is officially heralded by the first night one drives up to his or her home and sees the Christmas lights have lost some of their luster.  The tree inside no longer has that fresh from the forest aroma.

When the tree first arrives, everyone wants to assist with the decorating. Stringing the tinsel, hanging the lights, and shoving the angel on top.  When the calendar rolls over to January, the enthusiasm seems to vanish like the last chord of a Christmas carol. 

Whereas in the decorating phase, each ornament is inspected and carefully placed, when bringing the tree down, it's a case of just trying not to break anything while shoving each family heirloom back into a box.


So in the past year, some stuff happened.
  1. Giants won Super Bowl!
  2. Chris had Birthday #5
  3. I had surgery. If you get the chance, have one, it is inspiring.
  4. Left ITT Tech for the East Coast.
  5. New Boss on East Coast got fired after dragging me out here.
  6. Family joined me out here and we found a new place to live.
  7. Economy tanked.
  8. New guy got elected to White House.
  9. Government bailed out a bunch of other people.
  10. My mom and dad visited us!