Monday, April 04, 2011

Eric Holder

It takes a very conceited man to stand before a national audience and admit he is still right regardless of what the rest of the nation says. When Mr. Holder announced he would prosecute the suspected 9-11 terrorists in New York City, my eyebrows attempted to locate my hairline. I must say, that in itself is a formidable task.

The amount of security required to protect the suspects, families, jurists, and the city at large would be extremely cost prohibitive. Within the past several months, the US faced devastating releases of information from the folks over at Yet, I can only imagine the several hundred thousand pages of documents would pale to the amount of paperwork that would have to be released during disclosure procedures. What safeguards would be in effect to prevent a massive release of information should that have occurred?  Private Manning would be left scratching his head at the irony of the situation.

So, it's back to Gitmo for the trials. As far as I've been able to tell, the families of those killed in the tragedies are for this. The taxpayers of the city of New York are behind the idea of not having to foot the bill (in essence suffering twice for the same attack) and assume the risk.

Then why can Mr. Holder not simply admit he was wrong instead of placing fault at the halls of the Legislature? Under his administration, he had sufficient time to press forward while the Democrats were in control, yet he chose to delay. When finally, he was presumed ready, the tide of the nation had changed and somehow, he missed it.

There may be a new entry in Hubris; see Eric Holder

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