- I saw Tiger shagging Skanky Whores
- Frosty, The Ex-Wife
- Oh Holly Night!
- Silent Wife
- Oh Cum all Ye Skeezers!
- Mele KALIKA-maka!
- Feliz Grabdatass
- Ho Christmas Tree
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Tiger's Favorite Christmas Carols
Sunday, September 06, 2009
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Sonny's Bagels. Memories of South Orange. Sonny's is one of the few places in the village that still hold any memories for me. We went to visit my parents this past weekend prior to my mom's biopsy. It was a decent visit. In a way, it was the way I envisioned visits other families had with their parents. No yelling, screaming, guilt...well OK there was some of that but it was from my sister and directed at my nephew.
My mom was on her best behavior. I actually got to see two of my three surviving siblings and got along well with them. I finally see the merits of denial. Just let those things that typically irritate one percolate under the surface, and in a matter of hours, the family member to whom it concerns will just go away.
Now the thing with the nephew was funny. I cannot find anyone who actually saw the event, however the sound carried throughout the house. After we went to bed and were settling in for the night, a disturbance arose from the other side of the door. We distinctly heard my sister screaming to someone about "Having sex in my house!" followed by the sound of hands wailing upon someone. She yelled get up those stairs! We had to assume the recipient of the wailing was my eldest nephew because the voice was deeper then any of the other nephews could manage.
In my mind's eye, my sis was wailing motorboat style. Not exactly the preferred technique of the Shao-Lin temple but in some instances, effective. However against a 17 year old boy, useless. The only defense against the motorboat attack in this case would have been Rope-A-Dope.
I wish I could have given some guidance but in these situations, the best thing to do is to let them play out and laugh about it in a few years with all involved. I can't wait because that shit was funny.
Wednesday, February 04, 2009
Tuesday, February 03, 2009
The Year of the Brutha
- Barack Obama
- Michael Steele
- Mike Tomlin
- Santonio Holmes
- Eric Holder
- _________________
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Political History
This year, for the first time in American history, a black man has been elected to one of the highest posts in our country. He has assumed the mantle of leadership of millions of citizens, high powered and regular Joe alike, seemingly from out of the blue. Frederick Douglass, Martin, Malcolm, and all those who followed could only imagine such an accomplishment.
Let me be straight-forward in a way I think Michael Steele would appreciate: A black Catholic who grew up in D.C. and lives in Prince George's County becomes a Republican, overcoming social pressure and withstanding abuse, because he believes in conservative ideas and the way they can serve all communities, not because he wishes to be a squishy moderate beloved of the Beltway press. The knock on his pro-life credentials has always struck me as silly, and his leaving the RLC should quiet that line of attack.
I'm not going to pretend that I've followed this especially closely; Geraghty and Ambinderoffer more informed takes.Michael Steele's Got Game
I will say that Steele is pretty clearly a fairly talented guy. If you take the nine open-seat Senate races that have been held between the last two political cycles (2006 and 2008), and compare the performance of the Republican candidate against the partisan composition of the state, then Steele is something of an outlier: you'd have expected a generic Republican to get only about 35 percent of the vote in a state like Maryland in a cycle like 2006, but Steele got 44.2 percent.
Now, granted, Ben Cardin wasn't exactly the most inspiring candidate. But for a very conservative Republican to do this well in Maryland (and make no mistake: Steele is very conservative) takes some serious political intangibles.
Republicans Cheer for Chairman Steele
In the United States, in 2009, the head of the Democratic Party and the head of the Republican Party are black.
Granted, one has much more power than the other. (One is titular, the other is de jure.)
And one may have been chosen in reaction to the other.
But -- for a party that was not too longer ago openly dedicated to a strategy of using racial fears to attract white votes, it's something.
In a short stemwinder, Steele promised to broaden the party's geographic base and "stand proud" as the country's conservative party.
"It's time for something completely different," he said, to cheers.
"To my friends in the Northeast, get ready baby, we're going to turn it on. We're going to win in the Northeast. We're going to continue to win in the South... In the West."
"To those who are ready to obstruct," he warned. "[G]et ready to get knocked over."
Did Republicans choose Steele as a token? Some RNC members will think so, as will many skeptical Democrats. But Steele won this thing by himself. The RNC is a fractious, uncooperative bunch. And Steele patiently politicked his way through six ballots. Just a few hours ago, my correspondent Will DiNovi saw Steele and Ohio's Kenneth Blackwell face to face in the hall. "I know we've disagreed on a lot of things," Steele was telling him. Blackwell waited a little -- then he endorsed Steele.
Steele's election won't help the party attrack black voters immediately, but if Steele sets the right tone, he could help the party compete for them in the (way) future. As GOP strategists have always known, and noted, somewhat dyspeptically, it's white suburban voters, particularly women, who are responsive to a diversity message. The RNC isn't diverse yet; only five black delegates were chosen to attend the national convention. Steele was disgusted by that. It prompted him to run.
Even more than race, even as Steele lauded the party's conservative members, his election marks a step away from the balkanized Southern white ethos of the party. Steele, pro-life, has worked with moderate Republicans all of his life, although he did his best during the campaign to minimize those ties. If he reverts to form, it means that the RNC has just selected a chairman who will not prioritize social issues above economic issues. When people speak of broadening the party's geographic diversity, they are speaking in code. They mean that the party needs to welcome more moderates; needs to be more forgiving of departures from orthodoxy; need to be less antagonistic to pro-choicers and gays.
A Democratic strategist sums up their skepticism about Steele's transformative powers. "I remember hiring homeless people to hand out literature in African American neighborhoods. If that is their national strategy to broaden their appeal to minority voters it's going to get awfully expensive," this strategist said.
Steele was a seminarian for a few years before getting his law degree. He is trained in corporate litigation.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Is the Right Wrong?
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Jonah Goldberg
Now ladies and gentlemen, there is an oxymoron.
Of course, there’s a partisan angle to Obama’s presidency—he is the head of the Democratic Party, after all—but his success comes on the heels of a bipartisan racial success story. For instance, President Bush appointed the first African American secretaries of state."
Thursday, January 22, 2009
America, America...God shed his grace on thee
Till all success be nobleness,
And ev'ry gain divine!
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Klansmen must be going apoplectic
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Adam was onto something
Friday, January 09, 2009
I be paining!
OK, taking a brief break from the elliptical machine. When the need for prescription medications to make it through the day arises, it is time to possibly consider taking my doctor's advice.
Sadly, this leaves me time to do this. I am probably going to have to go get the xrays I postponed from this morning.
I suppose I can steal an idea from the Chinese and use child labor.
Thursday, January 08, 2009
like watching a slo-mo car crash
Tuesday, January 06, 2009
Full semi circle?
Harrison Ford was in The Fugitive with
Tommy Lee Jones who was in Batman Forever
Val Kilmer who was in Heat with
Robert Dinero who was in Sleepers with
Monday, January 05, 2009
Anthony Bourdain?
Sunday, January 04, 2009
Teardown Day
- Giants won Super Bowl!
- Chris had Birthday #5
- I had surgery. If you get the chance, have one, it is inspiring.
- Left ITT Tech for the East Coast.
- New Boss on East Coast got fired after dragging me out here.
- Family joined me out here and we found a new place to live.
- Economy tanked.
- New guy got elected to White House.
- Government bailed out a bunch of other people.
- My mom and dad visited us!