Now ladies and gentlemen, there is an oxymoron.
As a native New Yorker, one comes across many individuals with the surname Goldberg. Typically, those New Yorkers with that particular surname were from a singular faith, Judaism. Another given for New Yorkers is that those of that faith share a predominant affiliation with a particular political stripe, Liberal Democratic.
So, it is as clear as mud. Jonah Goldberg, from New York and with that particular surname must side with those on the far left hand of the political spectrum. Oddly, Mr. Rosenberg considers himself the polar opposite; a conservative.
This is where things get murkier. I read Mr. Goldberg's column today (http://article.nationalreview.com/?q=NTcwMTI1M2RmZDM5NDQyZmRkNmI2ZTAzZDdhZmY4ZGY=&w=MA==) in which he lauded Mr. Obama, our nation's 44th president! Upon reading the column, i found myself cheering Mr. Obama as well. If not actually cheering, then sending through the ether, feelings of warmth and hope for his administration.
Now before you think I've gone soft, lemme 'splain! To lift shamelessly from Mr. Goldberg's column: “There is an entire generation that will grow up taking for granted that the highest office in the land is filled by an African American,” he (Obama) told the Washington Post last week. “I mean, that’s a radical thing. It changes how black children look at themselves. It also changes how white children look at black children. And I wouldn’t underestimate the force of that.”
Regardless of which political affiliation one calls home, this is an important truth. While I was fortunate enough to have been raised in a politically astute family. My grandmother associated with the likes of Adam Clayton Powell and Shirley Chisolm, et. al. Many of my generation grew up aspiring to nothing greater than entertainment and athletics as achievable goals.
Not to downplay the importance of those goals. Once those were considered impossible until the likes of Muhammad Ali, Joe Louis, Michael Jordan, Sydney Poitier, Michael Jackson and Oprah shattered what remained of anything resembling a ceiling in their industries. The downside to this was diversion from the sciences and mathematics leading to a greater emphasis on running faster than the others. Having the shoe with Jordan's name on them.
There were also tremendous strides in the political world for Black America but instead of showcasing the strengths of such leaders as Doug Wilder, and Andrew Young, the light was placed on those with...less than admirable abilities, Marion Barry, Sharpe James, and let's not forget that tenth pit of Hell, Detroit. Three deposed Black mayors in my lifetime.
Now, where was I? Oh yeah...Goldberg!
Mr. Goldberg made an interesting argument in his column that instills warmth in my heart and further pride in my country.
"For instance, you will not soon see a German chancellor of Turkish descent. Nor will a child of North African immigrants soon take the reins of power in France. It will be a long time before a Pakistani or Indian last name appears on the mailbox at 10 Downing St. And yet these countries bubble over with haughty finger-waggers eager to lecture backward and provincial America about race and tolerance. Why not enjoy rubbing Barack Obama in their faces?
Of course, there’s a partisan angle to Obama’s presidency—he is the head of the Democratic Party, after all—but his success comes on the heels of a bipartisan racial success story. For instance, President Bush appointed the first African American secretaries of state."
Of course, there’s a partisan angle to Obama’s presidency—he is the head of the Democratic Party, after all—but his success comes on the heels of a bipartisan racial success story. For instance, President Bush appointed the first African American secretaries of state."
America has indeed turned a corner in race relations. England was opposed to slavery fairly in the game. Not opposed to territorialism in places like Canada, Australia or India but at least on the slavery issue, they were on the right side of history. Yet, England, France and much of Europe still segregates it's non-white population and deigns to lecture the US on how to play nicely with others!
Two years ago, France's dirty little secret got out when they were embroiled in race riots in the streets pitting those of Arab descent against the true face of France. Only in the past 15 years has England stopped openly warring with it's neighbors in Ireland.And here is where I agree with Jonah agreeing with Mr. Obama.
Where is the Moor leading Spain? Where are the Arab immigrants in France's leadership?
Let's hear one more cheer for America....the America where my son, who does not know the difference in skin color now has no concept of a Black man not having access to the White House.
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