Michelle Obama commented during the campaign last year that "for the first time, she felt really proud of her country." I am not certain where she has been the last forty years but there have been some mighty fine moments during that time.
I, for example, was really proud of our country landing on the moon. I am proud that the efforts of my grandmother's generation enabled me to vote. These same efforts enabled millions of others of all races and creeds the one item that enables hope, Opportunity.
I have not been keeping score regarding which of the numerous things our nation has accomplished that bring pride to me but even though I was not an Obama supporter, I fervently hoped for a smooth transition of power. I wished nothing more than for our citizenry to uphold the ideals that made us the great nation that I know us to be.
My prayers now go to the President. I truly feel for the man. He is tasked with fulfilling an almost Herculean challenge. Even the Reverend Dr. King was not expected to walk upon water, heal the lame, or produce fishes and loaves for the masses. Obama carries upon his shoulders the hopes and dreams of an entire people.
I hear daily how our new president is going to change things for black people. that Obama will create jobs and somehow generally make life better for peoples of color. Each time I hear comments like this, I wait to hear what changes the person is planning to make in their lives. To date, I have heard nothing spoken along those lines.
This reminds me of the old tale of the woman asking God to let her win the lottery. Every week, the woman moans and pleads for God to let her win until finally God responds and says meet me halfway and buy a ticket. Here is one of the greatest opportunities for those without to become those with. Of course, there is that need to "buy a ticket."
Education, drive, and desire are the keys to the promised land and cannot be bestowed; they must start from within the individual. Popular media shows the Paris Hiltons and her ilk who make their way through life without any visible means of support. Yet, even Paris works at maintaining her image.
Wake up people! Take a class. Learn to speak properly. Pull your pants up and take care of your children. Put yourself in a position to take advantage not only of the opportunities you feel are coming, but of those that currently exist.
Obama did not have a Black President to inspire him. He bought a ticket.
America! America! May God thy gold refine
Till all success be nobleness,
And ev'ry gain divine!
Till all success be nobleness,
And ev'ry gain divine!
1 comment:
Now, THAT's what I'm talking about! Good job, Mike, well said!
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